Community Grants – Tamworth Borough Council

The Community Grants scheme is available for community, not for profit organisations or for identified not for profit projects to work collaboratively and flexibly to meet the needs of our communities.

Grants will be awarded for projects/activities that can meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Assists community recovery and resilience from the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Helps tackle the causes of inequality in our communities
  • Helps develop and safeguard our environment and open spaces
  • Increases opportunities to participate in arts, heritage, and sports activities
  • Increases volunteering and civic pride
  • Helps tackle causes and effects of poverty and financial hardship
  • Considers outstanding individuals or groups who by achievement in arts, culture or sports support and promote Tamworth as a place
  • Promotes and develops community cohesion

All grants should continue to demonstrate value for money and value to the people of Tamworth and have specific outcomes that can be recorded.

The pot available is a total of £14,000 per year and shared out on a quarterly basis.

The maximum fund allocations for the Community grant is £1,000 per application.

The monies will be distributed on a first come first served basis and when it’s gone its gone!

Closing dates remaining for 2023/2024;

  • Quarter 3 – applications to be received by 3 November 2023
  • Quarter 4 – applications to be received by 16 February 2024

Applicants should be properly constituted, and a copy of the constitution will be required.

Applicants should have a bank account with at least two signatories.

Faith groups applying for grants should ensure that the activities they are offering are open to people from all faiths.

The following cannot apply for a Community Grant:

  • Private Businesses
  • Any other organisation (formal or informal in structure) with the ability to distribute funds and/or assets among its members
  • Statutory Organisations

Grants will not be given for:

  • Work and projects of a party-political nature
  • Travel and subsistence costs
  • Guarantee against organisational loss
  • Work and projects which are contrary to the Tamworth Borough Council Diversity and Equality policy
  • Projects operated on a commercial or for-profit basis.
  • The funding of organisations, projects or events which promote or condone extremist ideology, activities, or      terrorism.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate that they operate an equal opportunities policy and that when working with children, or adults at risk of abuse or neglect, a safeguarding policy is in place.


Tamworth Borough Council will only pay grants on receipt of the completed Acceptance of Grant Form.

Grants shall be used only for the purpose specified in the Notice of Confirmation, and immediate notification should be made to Tamworth Borough Council of any unavoidable changes or cancellations.

The recipient is responsible for obtaining all licences, permission and insurance as may be necessary.

Tamworth Borough Council cannot be held responsible for any debts or liabilities and will not be responsible for a third party.

Projects or events which promote or condone extremist ideology, activities or terrorism cannot be funded.

Project/Activities MUST take place within 12 months of grant award

All successful applicants will be required to complete an evaluation form which must be returned to Stephanie Ivey no later than 12 months after grant award or on completion of project/activity whichever is sooner.

Download the Community Grant Application Form (Word format) here

Please return application forms and supporting documents to: Stephanie Ivey, Partnerships Officer – Grants and Funding. Email:

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