Become a Member

Voluntary (VCSE), Community and Social Enterprise organisations who work for the benefit of Staffordshire can become Support Staffordshire members and access the following benefits:

Urgent Advice Service: FREE ongoing phone support Mon toThurs, 9-1pm

One to one advice: 3 hours FREE support annually by appointment

Up to 5 hours Start-up Advice: FREE support to get you started

Factsheets, Briefings and Templates: Up to date and totally FREE

Training, Workshops: some FREE some subsidised

Quality accredited volunteer brokerage

One to one support and consultancy (member discount)

Member bursary: worth up to £500

Discounts on Support Staffordshire Consultancy services

If your organisation is not eligible for full membership you may be eligible for Associate membership, please contact our Membership team for more details.

We also have Volunteering For All partnerships. Contact our Membership Team to enquire.

As the Rural Community Council for Staffordshire and the local ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) Network member, Support Staffordshire offer an additional rural-focused service on-top of our general member services to rural community groups such as village halls and community shops.

Becoming a member is simple.  Either fill in out online Membership form or Contact our Membership team who will send you an application form. Once you have returned the application form and accompanying documents you will be able to access our member services whilst your application is put to our board of Trustees. When your application is approved you will join over 1,200 VCSE organisations working with us to make Staffordshire stronger.

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